Francis Lobo
To: ;
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012 10:44 PM
Subject: Soul Ties
Dear Dixon,
I attended the Soul Ties program conducted by you at St. Patricks. What I have noticed that your ministry is an official Ambassador of the Vatican’s official Encyclical and **International Association for Deliverance under the Vatican council. I just want to know how I can be certified by Vatican and what is the course fee?
Regards, Francis Sunil Lobo
On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 11:53 AM, Dominic Dixon <> wrote:
Dear Francis,
Thank you for attending our program.
The Vatican does not certify or endorse an individual but it recognizes Ministries that have been operational for a minimum of 10 years with good standing. The process is a legal process as it deals with the Canon Law.
The Vatican conducts programs on deliverance, etc. The prerequisite is that you should have been in deliverance for several years, with documentation and certification from the Vatican officials in India.
You would be pleased to know that we will be conducting programs on the Vatican documents from January as we’ve been authorized to run an Institute for the Laity.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,
Dr. Dominic Dixon (Psychologist)
Director – ML Dept. of Social Justice
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Subject: Re: Soul Ties To:
Date: Tuesday,
October 9, 2012, 11:44 AM
Thanks Dixon. It is wonderful source of information and every people should aware of this. Till now I was thinking only local Bishop or Provincial General can certify the lay ministry. That too as a Catholic lay Ministry, not as a Vatican approved ministry. Many people don’t know how to approach Vatican on these types of matters. I never saw a ministry which is recognized by Vatican except yours. How you approached the legal (CANON LAW) process to get approval from Vatican and who is the contact person in India. Who is the Vatican official who liable to provide the certificate in India.
Regards, Francis Sunil Lobo
Date: Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 4:08 PM Subject: Re: Soul Ties To:
Speak to your spiritual director about matters such as these. Thereafter it’s a long and time consuming process.
c) Since Dr. Dixon declined to clarify the apprehensions of Mr. Lobo, he wrote to Mr. Aneel Aranha who, instead of answering him, apparently unwilling and unable to, forwarded the letter to Dr. Dixon who wrote back.
Date: Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 9:55 PM Subject: HSI/MoreLove Recognition by Vatican
Dear Aneel,
HSI/MoreLove is giving a program at St. Patrick’s church in Bangalore on Soul Ties which I am attending. I made an enquiry from Br. Dixon about its recognition by the Vatican, and he replied, “The Vatican does not certify or endorse an individual but it recognizes Ministries that have been operational for a minimum of 10 years with good standing. The process is a legal process as it deals with the Canon Law. The Vatican conducts programs on deliverance, etc. The prerequisite is that you should have been in deliverance for several years, with documentation and certification from the Vatican officials in India. You would be pleased to know that we will be conducting programs on the Vatican documents from January as we’ve been authorized to run an Institute for the Laity“.
On my further enquiry, he did not answer my questions but asked me to speak to my spiritual director.
I would like to know more about the Institute for the Laity and the program on Vatican documents so that I could join, if permitted.
I am happy to hear that your work is recognised and certified by the Vatican. We need such institutes.
I am happy to read that from Br. Dixon on Facebook that I is now the official ambassador of the Vatican’s official encyclical, Humanae Vitae. I have never known such a thing to be granted before this.
The flyer at mentions a Fr. Faustine Lobo, Director, Pontifical Mission, Vatican as one of the faculty at your TOB school. I did not see him at the program in Bangalore. Will he be speaking soon?
I could not understand Br. Dixon. If you could explain where Canon Law comes in the picture, I will be very happy.
I would like to know when you will be speaking so that I could meet you and discuss more.
Regards, Francis Sunil Lobo
From: Date: Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 11:17 AM Subject: Re: Soul Ties To:
Dear Francis,
I invited you to come meet us at our Ministry Centre in Bangalore. I’m way too busy to keep responding to emails and Bro. Aneel is on a two month international mission and does not have the time to respond to you.
Also, we need to uphold the dignity and Magesterium
[sic] of the Holy Catholic Church and cannot discuss such matter via email. We love the Mother Church and cannot discuss its matters with people whom we don’t know. I have not met you and don’t know your intentions.
For an appointment, call Bro. Horace 7204012777.
Best Regards, Dr. Dominic Dixon (Psychologist)
1. It is a false statement made by Dr. Dixon that he invited Mr. Lobo “to come meet us at our Ministry Centre in Bangalore“. I have reproduced the email correspondence between them in its totality and there was no exchange of telephone calls between them either.
The statement ”HSI School of Theology of the Body” for the first time in India
and for the first time in the world as a School” is subtly misleading. The key word is “School”. There are Catholic lay ministries that teach TOB in other formats such as seminars. Most readers will assume that the HSI/MoreLove TOB is exclusive and original apart from being “Vatican certified/authorized” as repeatedly stated.
2b. There appears to be a lot of name-dropping and misuse of names of contacts in this HSI/MoreLove affair.
When I attended his talk on November 4, I listened to Dr. Dixon referring at regular intervals to how much approval and endorsements he receives from different archbishops.
Apart from that, there is the frequent [mis]use of the “Vatican” word. He is a self-declared ”official Ambassador of the Vatican’s official Encyclical
[Humanae Vitae]“, “an ambassador for the views of the Holy Father” and ”an ecumenical ambassador“ [] and “Ambassador of Theology of the Body“.
One wonders how these titles were assumed and what they are meant to convey.
2c. Catholics would like to know by which ecclesial authority MoreLove/HSI has “been authorized to run an Institute for the Laity” and what exactly this Institute intends to teach.
They hint that they ”have been in deliverance for several years” and so have received the requisite ”documentation and certification from the Vatican officials in India“.
“The Vatican conducts programs on deliverance“: What are the details of these programs which we have never heard of?
An individual may become a member of the IAD, I am given to understand, by making a nominal payment after which one receives IAD newsletters and invitations to attend IAD international seminars [at one's own cost].
Ms. Gibello and I correspond almost on a fortnightly basis. Though I have never registered as a member, I receive all their newsletters and seminar invitations. That does not give me the licence to use “IAD Vatican” on my visiting cards, printed letter heads and ministry mast heads or web pages.
Dr. Dixon ”is a member of the International Association for Deliverance under the Vatican Council” []. [What "Vatican Council"?].
He is “Director HSI More Love/TOB India, IAD Vatican” according to the flyer which also states that HSI is “under the IAD, Vatican“.
This again appears to be misleading. Whether any type of recognition has been given to MoreLove and HSI by the “IAD Vatican” needs to be ascertained.
Ms. Erika Gibello, Secretary-General of the IAD [International Association for Deliverance] and former Secretary for the English-speaking members of the AIE [Association of Exorcists International] can give you the correct information.
The use of “IAD” in conjunction with “Vatican” is itself a question mark.
2e. “Dr. Dixon has represented the Church of India at parlimentary [sic] levels, as an advisor to the President and Prime Minister of India on various issues.”
3. In my computer files, I have maintained records of slanderous campaigns* released in the public domain by Dr. Dixon on certain individuals and lay ministries who dared to criticise him, even on others who didn’t.
I keep repeating the word “apparently” since it remains for you to ascertain whether our findings are correct or not. I only present you information already available in the public domain.
4. In the extract , we find Dr. Dixon writing and signing a testimonial to himself.
Some correspondence between Francis Lobo and Fr. Faustine Lobo prior to my Nov. 5 meeting with the latter
Francis Lobo
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:59 PM
Subject: Need Clarification on VATICAN APPROVED LAY MINISTRY
Dear Father,
I am Francis Lobo, belong to St. Antony Parish in Bangalore. Recently I attended a program conducted by a lay minister in a particular parish. What he claims that he is an official Ambassador of the Vatican’s official Encyclical and member of the International Association for Deliverance which works in association with the International Association for Exorcism in the Vatican. I asked the clarification to the same Lay minister and he replied “The Vatican does not certify or endorse an individual but it recognizes Ministries that have been operational for minimum of 10 years with good standing. The process is a legal process as it deals with the Canon Law. The Vatican conducts programs on deliverance, etc. The prerequisite is that you should have been in deliverance for several years, with documentation and certification from the Vatican officials in India. You would be pleased to know that we will be conducting programs on the Vatican documents as we’ve been authorized to run an Institute for the Laity“. On my further clarification, he did not answer my questions but asked me to speak to my spiritual director. I never saw a ministry which has direct official recognition from Vatican except this one.
Dear Father, can [you] please provide the clarification for the below questions.
1) Can a Lay ministry directly get the approval from Vatican?
2) How can a lay minister approach the legal (CANON LAW) process to get approval from Vatican? What is the role of Canon law in this matter?
3) Who is the Vatican official who is liable to approve the lay ministry in India?
4) What is the dos and don’ts of a Lay ministry which has official approval from Vatican?
Pontifical Mission Society <> To:
Date: Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 11:50 AM Subject: Re: Need Clarification on VATICAN APPROVED LAY MINISTRY
Dear Mr. Francis Lobo,
I need further explanation about this particular person to tell everything precisely.
But for your general understanding, no one is given any status by Vatican unless his/her case is recommended by the Bishop of the Diocese concerned. If he says that he has obtained it directly from Rome by himself that is a false claim. In that case he has to produce a valid certificate to this effect. There is no such official position in the Church called ‘Lay Ministry’. If officially someone has to be appointed as a ’Lay Minister’, the Diocesan Bishop does it according to the need of the Diocese and Rome is not doing it directly without the knowledge of the bishop of the Diocese concerned.
I hope I have satisfied you to the extent the explanation that you have given me. Fr. Faustine L. Lobo, Director, PMS India
On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 7:57 AM, Francis Lobo <> wrote:
Thanks Father I am convinced with your answer. I will meet personally and share the more in detail. Please do let me know if you are free on 5th November at your convenient time. If you are not available on 5th November, I will meet you on 6th November after 2 PM. Please do let me know your convenient time. Regards Francis Sunil Lobo
On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 9:10 AM, Pontifical Mission Society <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Francis, I am available on the 5th of November. You may come anytime but before coming please give me a call.
My No.: 98455 76410. Fr. Faustine L. Lobo
To: Pontifical Mission Society <> Date: Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 6:51 AM
Subject: Re: Need Clarification on VATICAN APPROVED LAY MINISTRY
Dear Father, Thank you very much for your meeting with Michael in my absence. I am ready to provide more information if you need any. Regards, Francis Sunil Lobo
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